How I went from employee to freelance in 2022

Aurélien Roblin
6 min readJan 10, 2023

Hello! 👋

Some time ago I took the step of freelancing!

I have always been very attracted by this status. The idea of independence and freedom that are linked to it appeals to me deeply.

In this article, I wanted to come back with you on my passage from employee to freelancer, in Paris.

1. Background 📆

In 2020, after a data engineer experience, I tried my luck for the first time.

I went through a lot of interviews but at that time I was still quite junior.

After a few rather bad technical tests, I decided to give up and accepted a consulting position in an Digital Services Company (DSC), a position that seemed to me to be the best choice for a future try!

I worked 1 year and a half on a mission thanks to which I was able to refine my expertise on a precise and modern stack, Looker / GCP.

2. The first assignments 🤩

During that year, I updated my Malt profile. I focused it on my new skills and set up my evening and weekend availability.

Soon after, I got my first freelance assignment!



Aurélien Roblin

Analytics engineer - Indie Maker | NoCode, SideProject, Data science